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unit 3: tower hill
Halloween vocabulary flashcards

Video: Too much candy
Sequence the fragment from Too much candy story

Taboo game with halloween vocabulary

Halloween characters and accessories flashcards

Discover what Halloween character are you.

Game: Find someone with the same character like you asking Do questions.
Queen Elizabeth II's letter about a mystery to solve in Tower of London

Memory game with the Halloween characters and accessories flashcards from the speaking
Students write description of their Halloween costume.

Students read their description and the rest guess the Halloween costume.
Promotion of reading + Education in values

Whole class read the book "Harriet's Halloween Candy by Nancy Carlson and answer some comprehension questions.
What is the story about?
What happened to Harriet?
What is the moral of the story?
Students read five situations and they must decide in which ones the people are sharing and in which ones no. Finally, they must think how the people can share in the ones where they are not doing so.

Problem: The guard has a free day and I want to visit a Haunted House in Halloween and ask the 3rd students to tell him the options he has.
In group of five, students design their own haunted house.
Description of the haunted house
What scary creatures are in the haunted house? There is... There are...
Name of the house, location, price admission.
Each group creates their leaflet explaining the haunted house.
Model of Hauted House Leaflet.

ICT (Information & Communication Tecnhology)
The guard has seen all the options from the students but doesn’t know which one to go to. The group must decide which is the best haunted house for the guard.
Each group read the options of the other groups in the English classroom website and think which option is the best haunted house for the guard to visit during Halloween.
Students write an email to the guard explaining the option chosen.

Review: Board Game

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