unit 10: Paddington
Queen Elizabeth II has a friend called Paddington bear.
He lives near Paddington station.
Paddington bear looks for a job but he doesn’t know which one to do.
Flashcards: Jobs and new words


Listening: The adventure of Paddington bear: Paddington bear meets a police officer.
Listening exercises

Game: The class is divided in two groups, and they are in a row. One student from a group and another say the words of vocabulary and when they finish, they play “rock, paper, scissors” when they come across each other. They repeat the same process with the rest of the students in the groups until every kid has participated.
Queen Elizabeth II has lost some objects. To be a good police officer like Paddington bear we must describe the things we see correctly.
First -> The size
Then -> The shape
Next -> The colour
Finally -> The material
For example:

Speaking exercise: In pairs, one student throw four dices with words of size, shape, colour, and material and says a sentence. The other student must draw the object considering the size, shape, colour, and material.

Speaking exercise: Teacher gives the lost objects from Queen Elizabeth II to the students and in pairs they must describe them considering the size, shape, colour, and material. If one says the sentence correct, he can continue describing. If not, the turn will go to the other student.

Teacher presents the characters who have a job and the materials they need in the job.
Teacher gives each student a text for each character with the floors and windows in a building each character must go to take the material he/she needs.
The students must colour the window the character goes to and write in the window the object they get in in each floor.
In groups, students must identify which job each character does considering the material they have.

Paddington bear has been hiding some objects in Paddington station.
Video: English Prepositions song - in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to, between.
Writing exercises:

Promotion of reading + Education in values

Whole class reads the book “Not for me, please! I choose to act green” written by Mary Godsey and answers some comprehension questions.
What is the story about?
What is Luke telling us to do?
Moral: the book teaches the students to respect nature.
Aim: promotion of reading
Activity: Students write 5 things we can do to save the planet from what is said in the book. They make a hand with a tree and in each finger write:
Not drop litter or use plastic
Save water
Problem: Queen Elizabeth II tells the class that someone drops litter in the streets in town.

ICT (Information & Communication Tecnhology)
The class knows different jobs, what Queen Elizabeth II, the Guard, Paddington bear and Mister Clock want to be.
What they want to be in the future?
Video: What do you want to be in the future?
What does the people in the video want be in the future?
Students must look online about a person they admire and investigate what job he/she does.

Review: Board Game