unit 13: oxford circus
Near Oxford Circus station, Queen Elizabeth II, the Guard and Mister Clock go shopping for clothes.
Flashcards: Clothes, accesories, material and pattern.
Are you wearing....? I am wearing a blue and white stripped cotton dress.

Listening: Video: Queen Elizabeth II, Mister Clock and the Guard go shopping.

Listening exercises

Game: Find someone who is wearing....

Teacher says that Paddington bear is going to tell us the clothes he bought at Oxford Circus. Teacher shows a picture of Paddington bear in motion (SpeakPic App).
She asks Paddington bear what you are wearing, and he asks I am wearing….
She asks How much the t-shirt costs, and he answers it costs….
Paddington bear asks “what do you think? Do you like it?”. And the teacher says that she loves the t-shirt! What a nice t-shirt but she says that she is sorry and how ugly the trousers are.
Speaking exercise 1: Each students have a flashcard of a person.
In pairs, students must:
Tell the peer what the person is wearing.
Ask the peer: how much do the items cost?
Ask for the peer’s opinion: What do you think? Do you like it?
Express opinion using exclamatory sentences.
I love it! What a nice t-shirt!
I am sorry! How ugly!”
Speaking exercise 2: In groups, Students roll the dice and answer a question.
What are you wearing?
What is the material/pattern of …?
How much does it cost?
What do you think about?
Teacher starts the class saying: I am wearing a blue t-shirt, am I?
Then, she asks a classmate saying: You are wearing blue trousers, are you?
Then, she asks the whole class about a girl in class: she is wearing blue shoes, is she?
Students are going to play a domino, reading about what people are wearing and aren’t wearing.

Reading exercise 1: Individually, students must read four texts about characters of different world places.​ They read what are they wearing, how much the clothes cost and what does other people think of the clothes.

Reading exercise 2: Students answer tag questions about the texts.

Teacher explains that Queen Elizabeth II has given her a text describing what she is wearing and how much the items cost.
Writing exercise:

Students are going to have 50 pounds and they must choose the clothes they want with the money they have.
Teacher will show different items of clothing and the amount of money each cost. Each student must choose 4 items:
A t-shirt
One accessory.
Students must describe the clothes they have selected, patterns and materials, how much each item cost and write an exclamatory sentence saying whether they like the items or not.

Promotion of reading + Education in values
Whole class reads the book “Those shoes” written by Maribeth Boelts and answers some comprehension questions.​​
What is the story about?
What happened to Jeremy?
How did he solve the problem?
What is the moral of the story?
Moral: We must be kind and give clothes we are not using a second life.
Activity: Students write what item of clothing they can give to someone that they are not using to give it a second life. Explain what item and why.

ICT (Information & Communication Tecnhology)
3rd grade students receive an email from Queen Elizabeth II explaining a problem.

In pairs, students must read the boarding passes of the passengers and the suitcases (the clothes) in the website live worksheets with the ipads. Students must pay attention to the weather that appears in the boarding pass. Students will notice that there is a boarding pass that doesn’t have a suitcase. Students must read the boarding pass and select the clothes that match the weather.
Link liveworsheet: https://es.liveworksheets.com/5-hf170990yb


In groups, students must write down in a bag what items is Queen Elizabeth II wearing the two days she is staying in Spain, a description of each item and tag how much each item costs.

Individually, students write a letter to Queen Elizabeth II telling what they have decided in the group and how much all the clothes will cost. 3rd grade students have a model of letter.

Review: Board Game
