unit 14: south kensington

​Queen Elizabeth II, the Guard, Mister Clock and Paddington bear went to South Kensington station because near it, there is the Natural History Museum.


In this museum, they learned a lot about dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago and now they are extinct. But, each character lost something in one of the rooms of the Museum.
Flashcards: Map of the museum, the different rooms and the dinosaurs.

Listening: Video: Queen Elizabeth II, the Guard, Mister Clock and Paddington bear at the London Natural History Museum.

Listening exercises

Do you want to know more things the characters did during last week?

Speaking game: In groups, the students must say a sentence with the verb in the square in the past simple and the Saxon genitive of the object it is used.

Speaking game: In pairs, students play past simple battle ship game.

Students are going to revise the past simple verbs with the roulette. They must turn the roulette and say a sentence with the verb and a time expression.

Reading exercise 1: Individually, students must read Queen Elizabeth II’s journal about her last month in London, put in order the fragments paying attention to the expressions of time, circle the past simple and underline the Saxon genitive.

Reading exercise 2: In pairs, students must read sentences with mistakes related to the journal. They must spot the mistakes (past simple/time expression/Saxon genitive) and correct them.

Memory game: Students play a memory game with past simple verbs. Once a student has found one pair, he/she must write down a sentence with that verb using a time expression.

Writing exercise 1: Teacher shows the students some vignettes of a comic. Students must put in order them reading the time expressions and sequence the story.

Writing exercise 2: Students must write down the lines of each vignette to create a comic. They must use the time expression, the verb in past simple and the Saxon genitive when needed.

Promotion of reading + Education in values
Whole class reads the book “Marie Curie” written by Mª Isabel Sánchez and answers some comprehension questions.​​
What is the story about?
Who was Marie Curie?
Who was she married with?
What did she win?
Why was she so important?
Moral: Marie Curie was an important woman for history, especially for science that help others.
Activity: Students must complete a template with the form of a flask with information about Marie Curie.

What important woman in history did we talk about yesterday?
Another important woman is Queen Elizabeth II. She is an important woman in British history since she is the queen of United Kingdom for 70 years.
Project's problem: Queen Elizabeth II wants to know about other important women in history. She is asking 3rd grade to tell her about them.
Students are divided in groups. Each group must read a text about one important woman in history. Students in each group read individually about the woman.

In groups, students must complete a template with questions about the important woman in history they have read about.

ICT (Information & Communication Tecnhology)
In the English classroom website, students in groups must read the templates of the other groups with the information about the other important women in history.
Once the groups have read the information, they must create a timeline using Prezi App. Students must mark:
When the characters were born and when they died.
When the students were born.

Individually, students write an email to Queen Elizabeth II talking about important women in history.
The profession
Why they were important.

Review: Board Game